I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Pete @ EFI Logics located in Bethel Connecticut about their 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Racecar.
A friend of mine tagged t3hClap  on an EFI Logics post about cheap race tires. Me being always in the market to reduce my expenditures on tires I shot Pete an Email. Unfortunately they were only looking to sell the tires locally. I did get a chance to ask Pete some questions about their awesome EFI Logics Race Car they’ve been running for a few years now. Below is that little chat. Read on and enjoy a few snap shots. The guys over at EFI Logics know how to build STi’s.
Clap: What is the Year, Make and Model of the EFI Logics Race Car?
Pete@EFI: It’s a 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX STi.
Clap: Every EFI car has a name, what’s the Race Cars name?
Pete@EFI: To be clear, Rob, our engine tech names all of his engines so he can keep track of modifications and engine specs – it’s a memory cue for him. This car’s engine’s name is Ari.
Continue reading EFI Logics Shop Race Car introduction →